The Stickysaurs project, conceived by Paleoartist Sante Mazzei and launched on Kickstarter, has received more than 90% of the necessary funding! This means it is more than halfway through, about two weeks from completion!
The Stickers depict different species, more and less known, rendered in a caricature but with great attention to scientific accuracy. They’re great, super tough, and adorable in style!
The biggest help you can give to #Stickysaurs is to fund the project and / or share the Kickstarter page link with other fans. The more people become aware of the existence of this Crowdfunding the greater the chances of reaching the Goal and the intriguing Stretch Goals! Can you recognize them? They have something familiar …
For model enthusiasts, you can also order this adorable T. rex miniature, but you have to hurry, because it’s a limited edition!